Thursday, June 11, 2009

She's alive, aliiiive!!!

Well, I’m back. I know, I know, it’s been months since you’ve heard from me, but I have a great excuse. See, Dobie works as a referee on the side and from the months of August (the beginning of football season) until March (the end of basketball season), I am practically a single parent. Football season is not so bad, but basketball season wears us both clean out. And to make matters worse, Dobie did such a great job during football season, the “association” asked him to ref’ several semi-pro games which required his presence on the football field through May.

So, I have been super busy raising two children, trying to keep up with my exercise class 3 times a week, making a miserable effort at trying to keep my house clean (maid got pregnant), and intermittently losing my mind. Did I mention that Dobie and I both got promotions? Yeah, well what they don’t tell you is Chiefs of Court do a lot more work than mere little indians and that there are not enough pharmaceuticals in the world to keep the stress levels down to a manageable level. It took a while to find a decent pace, but I think we both got it under control now.

So, the good news is that Dobie is done for the year and back in my life. With us being a right respectable two parent household again, things are running much smoother now. Ahhhhhh, so much better.

So, I will try to make a pass at this little blog again. Here is what’s been happening:

1. January- I turned 35. Boo. Took it a little harder than I though I would.
2. February- Dobie turned 35. It didn’t phase him one bit. I think this is the month I joined a book club. I also think that this is also the month where I didn’t have time to read the book, but I still showed up for the free wine. I just nodded alot and tried to look like I knew what they were talking about.
3. March- Dobie got a little operation which seals the deal on us staying a two child household. It went off without a hitch, I highly recommend. If I get the go ahead, I may tell the story of how it all went down. It was, in a word, hilarious. And the best part is that Dobie doesn't rememebr a thing.
4. April- I don’t know, it was Easter, nothing else much happened. Oh, I started Spring Boot Camp. But, since I am impervious to losing weight, I think I finished at about where I started.
5. May- School ended, yeahh!! Carson broke his arm again, booo!!! (Who knew Red Rover could be so violent). I volunteered (I think someone put a roofie in my drink) to be President of the Parent Teacher Fellowship at school. I am soooo not a leader. I do much better as a mindless follower.
6. June- I emerged out of my fugue state to re-join the human race and begin blogging again.


Alyssa said...

YIPPEE!!!! So glad you are back on the blog trail.

Caroline said...

Yea! I'm happy to hear from you again. I've missed you.

Spotted-Bird said...

So glad to know you are alive! I have missed you.

mom said...

You are a lot of things, Stacy darling, but mindless is not one of them.