Monday, October 20, 2008

Clue 2008


This is the gaping hole where our television used to sit peacefully minding its own business.

How you wonder, did such a big gigantoid void come to be in an otherwise nondescript, law abiding, surburban household?

Well, that's where our story begins.......................

Act One Scene One: The Kosub family bathroom. It’s 7:45 a.m. and the family is busy in the morning hustle and bustle. Enter, the culprit, Emerson Claire Kosub, and her insatiable hunger for destruction.

Emme: Mommy, my hair loots ca-zy. Fiz it.
Mommy: You won’t let me put it in a pony tail, so that’s the best I can do.
Emme: Fiiiinnnne. Mommy, I wanna pud on your mate-up.
Mommy: No, baby, mommy is in a big hurry and I have to get ready or I am going to be late. Go get your shoes on.
Emme: (Throwing herself onto the floor for a big, fake, fit.) I don’t wanna go to Ganny’s, I wanna stay here and watch Bootie Beast!!!!
Mommy: Here, look, take this bottle of Febreeze and go spray mommy’s bed and make it smell good.
Emme: Yeahhh!!

Emerson runs off, happily spraying the Target brand knock-off Febreeze. The air is filled with a child's laughter and the pleasant smells of a spring garden.

Act One, Scene Two: The Kosub family garage. It is 5:30 p.m. and Mommy and Emme have just returned from Hastings with the latest potty present, Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Their celebratory mood quickly fades when they see a menacing looking Dobie standing in the garage, hands on hips.

Mommy: What’s wrong?
Dobie: You need to come in the house.
Mommy: Seriously, I’m worried, just tell me what happened? Were we robbed?
Dobie: Emme did something.
Mommy: Oh.
Emme: (From the back seat) Sow-ree mommy, it was an assident.
Mommy: What did you do?
Emme: I dunno, but I dint do it purpus-ly.

Act One, Scene Three: The Kosub family living room. Dobie is kneeling is front of his television, like a soldier holding his fallen comrade, softly stroking it with a damp cloth. The bottle of Fakee-breeze is sitting in front of the television, and Emerson is no where in sight.

Mommy: What happened?
Dobie: Evidently, Emerson got ahold of a bottle of this (holding up the stupid, stupid, bottle of fake Febreeze) and sprayed it all over the TV.
Mommy: (Realizing where Emme got the spray, Mommy swallows hard as the truth washes over her) Can you just wipe it off?
Dobie: She sprayed so much, it got under the plastic screen; I don’t think it can be wiped off.
Mommy: Umm, what’s all that black stuff?
Dobie: It’s where the fiber screen used to be. The spray is mostly alcohol and when combined with the heat of the TV, it disintegrated the fiber screen.

At this, Mommy decides to come clean. Mommy tries to explain how it is she who gave
the spray to Emerson in an attempt to occupy her earlier that morning. She is ridden with guilt and blames herself for the damage to Dobie’s most prized possession. Luckily for her, Dobie gallantly refuses to make her feel like the irresponsible wretch that she most certainly is.

Final Scene: Both Kosub parents are now kneeling in front of the TV, still reeling from
the realization that Emerson’s path of destruction truly knows no bounds.

Dobie: Don’t beat yourself up babe, these things happen.
Mommy: Actually, not to be totally argumentative, but I have never heard of anyone else’s three year old incinerating their high definition television with Febreeze.
Dobie: What, I meant to say sweetheart, and what is much more accurate, is these things happen to us.
Mommy: True enough, my friend, true enough. (long pause) So, are those screens expensive?
Dobie: Well, the repairman says that he can replace it for about $350.
Mommy: $350 Dollars!!!! EMMMERRRSONNNN!!!
Emme: (From somewhere in the back room.) It wuz an assident!!!! I saaiid I wuz sow-ree!!!!! Gah –leeee!!
End scene………………………….


Alyssa said...

You have a gift for making the tough stuff funny. Maybe you can garnish her allowance for a while to pay for the damage.

Caroline said...

I am so sorry. I have to say that Dobie handled that much better than my husband would have. He has threatened both kids within an inch of their lives due to "hitting" the TV screen. The Febreeze would have put him over the top!

Oh, and don't feel guilty. I have engaged in questionable practices all in the name of getting us out the door on time. Good luck getting the TV repaired!

BritSchmidt said...

Hey Stacy!! Similar story.... I gave Aniston a bottle of carpet cleaner and asked her to put it on the table.. my hands were dirty.. and its the best I could do to let her "hep" me.... I turned around, and she was "ceenin" the TV!! She had sprayed it on the screen and it stained a huge watermark on it... while still "watchable" it is a constant reminder... Randy still doesn't know how she got the bottle! ~britany

Avera Family said...

Your family stories always make me laugh out loud!! Who would of thought wanna-be Fabreeze could be so dangerous?? Maybe it should come with a warning label!! Good luck getting the TV fixed.

mom said...

Maybe this was when Evie, scapegoat extraordinaire was conceived. Luv that Emme Claire.